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Updates to our Terms of Service

Last Updated: February 13, 2025

We periodically review our terms and policies to ensure they accurately reflect our product as it evolves and are as clear as possible for our users. We encourage you to read the updated terms at but you can find the summary of key changes below:

  • We’ve updated our language to clarify that Cognition will only use logos or produce marketing materials such as case studies with consent from our customers and following the necessary approval procedures at your companies. For any case study, we will always work with your team to share how you use Devin.

  • Clarification on data for training use: We’ve updated our language to explicitly state that under no circumstances do we train on your proprietary data (e.g. code, outputs generated by Devin for your codebase). This has always been the case and applies to all accounts since the date of sign-up.

  • Clarification on data controls: We’ve clarified the use of session derivative data (e.g. task type, session length, session outcome i.e. whether it was successful or not) and indicate the option to opt-out of our use of this data as well via the web application Settings page, under Data Controls (

  • Clarification on usage data: We’ve separated language related to usage data from Data Rights. This is specific to any metadata that describes how users use our application (e.g. how long it’s used, when, which features are used, etc.) which we use for the purposes of improving our services.

  • If you’ve subscribed to our Teams plan via you can cancel your subscription at any time in Settings > Plans. If you’ve otherwise signed an Order Form with us you are subject to the terms on that Order Form.

  • We’ve clarified our indemnification obligations to make it clearer that we do not have the obligation to indemnify you if legal claims are caused by the inputs you’ve provided to Devin.

Please note these changes only apply to customers that have accepted the Online Terms of Service via subscription flow or via an order form that explicitly references the Online Terms of Service as the governing agreement.